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Nationally Sponsored Awards

Ballance Agri-Nutrients Soil Management Award
This Award focuses on the management of soil and nutrients. A strong understanding of nutrients and nutrient budgeting is demonstrated. The impacts of nutrients and management practices on both soil fertility as well as surface and ground water are understood and well managed.

Bayleys People in Primary Sector Award
This Award is focused on the all-important people side of the farming and growing business. It recognises the importance of staff management, succession, community involvement, health and safety and other practices associated with people management and wellbeing.

Beef + Lamb New Zealand Livestock Farm Award
This Award recognises the livestock farmer who demonstrates a commitment to long-term land and animal stewardship. Considerations are made around the sustainable use of land, labour and capital resources. Livestock will be well cared for, with stock class and type managed appropriately to the land contour and soil type.

DairyNZ Sustainability and Stewardship Award
This Award recognises dairy farmers who demonstrate a strong commitment to managing, protecting and enhancing their environment. The award focuses on positive, long term, environmentally sustainable on-farm actions. Entrants will demonstrate high standards of environmental care and sustainable use of the land, stock, labour and capital resources.

Hill Labs Agri-Science Award
This Award recognises excellence in the use of science and monitoring to optimise productivity and minimise environmental impacts. A good understanding of soil, water, plant and crop protection should be demonstrated, with supporting measurement and monitoring in evidence.

Norwood Farming Efficiency Award
This Award recognises the farmer or grower who is actively focused on resource use efficiency. It takes into account those who may be focusing on different types of efficiency (e.g. equipment efficiency, fuel efficiency), those using precision agriculture and/or those who are actively making data driven decisions to determine how much resource to use.

Rabobank Agri-Business Management Award
This Award recognises the approach that farmers and growers take to accomplish the important management practices of operating a successful farm and growing business. This includes the development and use of a business plan, benchmarking and succession planning. It may also involve the use of industry professionals and networks to support the sustainability of the business.

Biodiversity Award
This award recognises the biological diversity of the farming and growing business. It acknowledges the mahi of both the present and past guardians (Kaitiaki) of the land that have created an environment that encourages and allows biodiversity to thrive.
Regionally Sponsored Awards

FMG Risk Management Award
This award recognises those operators who have identified, assessed and proactively managed any risks that could negatively impact the business in order to minimise the likelihood or severity of those risks. This covers all aspects of people management and farm planning, including physical, business, and financial risk management.

Northland Regional Council Water Quality Enhancement Award
This Award recognises initiatives taken to protect and enhance water quality and biodiversity values within the water that flows through and from the property. This includes initiatives limiting pollutant inputs into the water through good land management practices. For example, soil conservation, wetland protection and enhancement as well as implementing riparian management practices.

Northland Emerging Business Award
This award recognises an emerging land-based business that is in its development phase. The award considers the overall business plan, marketing and communications, sustainability, businesses financial forecasts, product story and point of difference. The Award is part of the BFEA programme but is judged separately.

Auckland Council Water Quality Enhancement Award
This Award is given in recognition of a conscious awareness of the link between land management practices and water quality. The recipient will excel in one or more of the following areas; nutrient management, soil conservation and riparian management.

Auckland BFEA Farm Stewardship Award
The recipient of this award demonstrates excellence in farm stewardship, possibly by protecting or enhancing a special place, or by using sustainable management practices.

Bay Of Plenty Regional Council Farming for the Future Award
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council Farming for the Future Award recognises environmentally sustainable farming that remains profitable. The focus of this Award is on innovation in land, water and biodiversity management and will be measured as progress towards the full implementation of a farm/orchard environment plan and will also consider farm/orchard profitability.

Zespri Kiwifruit Orchard Award
(available for Bay of Plenty Region only)
This Award identifies the kiwifruit orchard that most clearly demonstrates the use of sustainable orchard practices and management. Key areas of focus will be environmental responsibility, economic return, community awareness and the ethical management of resources including labour and orchard inputs

Waikato Regional Council Water Protection Award
This Award is given in recognition of excellent knowledge and attitude towards riparian management. The recipient will have all (or some) of the following mitigation strategies in place; good soil conservation measures and strategic planting near water bodies

Waikato River Authority Catchment Improvement Award
(available for Waikato Region only)
The recipient of this Award shows that they have analysed their current farm system for its
effects on the river through farm practices, infrastructure, and system limitations. They are
then able to show the changes they have implemented and how they have contributed to
improving the ‘mauri’ or well-being of the river and its tributaries. The recipient
would also need to articulate the farm’s vision for future enhancements.

East Coast Farming for the Future Award
This Award is co-sponsored by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and the Gisborne District Council. The Farming for the Future Award recognises profitable, advanced, environmentally sustainable farming. It focuses on land use and innovation in land management, soil conservation, provision for climate change and engagement with local government authorities

Taranaki Regional Council Sustainability Award
This Award recognises the farmer demonstrates leadership and commitment to sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship.

Horizons Regional Council Award for the Integration of Trees
This Award recognises the farmer who has planted trees to improve the sustainability of the property. It encompasses soil erosion, biodiversity, stock well-being and aesthetics.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Award
This Award recognizes outstanding use of plant materials, both exotic and native plants, to optimize land use.  Well used plant materials enable nature-based solutions in a farm system by providing several benefits including reducing flood and erosion risk, improving animal welfare, enhancing biodiversity and water quality, and sequestering carbon.

Environment Canterbury Water Quality Award
This Award is for farm practices which reflect the strategic importance of this natural resource to Canterbury and the connectivity between land use practices and water quality. To be considered for this Award, entrants demonstrated they are aware of the impact their operation has on water quality and have taken deliberate steps to manage this.

Otago Regional Council Quality Water Enhancement Award
This Award will be given for on-farm developments and management practices that sustain and support healthy ground and surface water. The winning farm must be compliant with the Otago Water Plan water quality rules and conditions. Judging this Award will assess the range of environmentally sound water management measures taken on the property to protect, sustain and enhance water quality; and to sustainably manage water quality in ground and surface water.

NZFFA Otago Farm Forestry Award
This Award is for the wise use and management of trees and forestry on farmland. It recognises the farmer and grower who demonstrates good tree planting and harvesting practices alongside other land uses.

Environment Southland Water Quality and Biodiversity Award
This Award recognises the farmer who demonstrates sustainable farming practices, particularly with regards to water quality and biodiversity.